Ice Climber Wiki

The Vegetable Trophy in Super Smash Bros. Brawl

Vegetables are items collected in Ice Climber at the end of a mountain

They are collected during Bonus Stages. The corn is a special vegetable because it is the only one without eyes and grants the Ice Climbers a bonus life.

They also made an appearance in Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Super Smash Bros. Ultimate as a food item only on the Ice Climber's stage "Summit" in a new 3D appearance. The Vegetables are also a trophy in Brawl. Additionally, the eggplant is the Ice Climber series' emblem used to represent the series, likely since it's the first vegetable to appear in the game.

Despite the terminology, Eggplants, Zucchinis, Corn and Pumpkins are fruit, while mushrooms are a fungus.


  • The eggplant is known as the emblem or icon in both Ice Climbers and Smash Bros. Ultimate
  • 10 vegetables as one round,vegetables collected score will progressive increase,Until more than 10 vegetables are collected,More than 10 vegetables have a uniform score of 5000.


  • Eggplants = 300
  • Carrots = 500
  • Cabbages = 600
  • Zucchinis = 700
  • Corn = 800
  • Turnips = 1000
  • Pumpkins = 2000
  • Romaine Lettuces = 3000
  • Potatoes = 4000
  • Mushrooms = 5000
